Land at Heighcroft House, Heighington
Two adjoining parcels at the northern edge of the settlement. The southernmost parcel appears to have changed hands in 2013, with aerial photographs and other information indicating that the site formerly accommodated a public house. The same information indicates the past use of the open land at the site as playing fields, which may remain the case, and if so would present a planning obstacle. The existing structure at the site may be a sports pavilion rather than a dwelling. This parcel also lies within the defined Conservation Area boundary, with the Character Appraisal stating that the "former sports fields at Cumby buildings, are significant for their large-scale unbuilt plain green openness". This view would need to be challenged were the site to be pursued. The adjacent parcel to the north would make less sense if pursued in isolation from the southern site. A site inspection is considered particularly important in order to understand the extent to which the site appears enclosed, given that on plan it would involve quite a significant northwards projection of the settlement.
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Land East of Walworth Road and West of Coatsay Moor Lane
Four adjoining parcels, three of which are in the same ownership, lying east of land that is the subject of a August 2018 full planning permission for 75 units by Bellway Homes. Scope to achieve the target 4 acre threshold with two parcels within the same ownership, although the inclusion of the parcel in a separate ownership (the north-western parcel) would present a better form of development . The eastern edge of the subject site abuts Coatsay Moor Lane which forms the boundary of a Conservation Area. In this regard it is relevant to note that the Character Appraisal identifies the subject land as making some contribution to the setting of the Conservation Area, albeit the Bellway consented site shares the same status. Note that west of the Bellway Homes site, land wrapping around the south-western edge of the settlement is identified as HELAA site 103 which was assessed as suitable. Whilst Bellway Homes is not identified on the title it appears that highways access into the land may only be achievable via the consented site. In the event that the subject site is pursued we would recommend that specialist heritage and landscape advice is sought given potential LPA concern relating to impact on the Conservation Area.
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West of Friar's Pardon, Hurworth
Two adjoining parcels in separate ownerships, with the only potential highways access looking to be via Friar's Pardon, although if pursued advice in relation to this matter would be prudent. A smaller subject site could be configured within the two parcels although this would not follow physical features on the ground. The southern limit of the site abuts the defined Conservation Area for which no Character Appraisal presently exists. Note that one of the owners may be connected to the former agency, Clark Scott-Harden.
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Oaktree Farm, Middleton St George
Single field lying north of Yarm Road and the rail line to its north. Rejected in the HELAA on the basis of being considered "unsuitable due to potential impacts on the setting of the listed building." The relevant listed building is the grade II listed Oaktree Farm which lies adjacent to the south-western limits of the site. On close inspection it is clear that within the linear arrangement of buildings the original listed building is contained in its western area, with research into planning history revealing that an eastwards extension of the original building was approved in 2017. Whilst it is understood that the extension may now be considered to be part of the listing, a heritage consultant should be able to advise on how the extension impacts upon any discussion of setting, and how the setting has already been compromised by built development to its immediate south. Note that the triangular parcel (DU96247) to the immediate north of the subject site, is the subject of an option agreement with Durham Tees Valley Airport. That parcel forms part of a wider title including disparate sites lying closer to the airport hub.
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East of Middleton Lane, Middleton St George
South-western reaches of a wider title area wrapping around the eastern edge of the settlement, and with a limited and elevated frontage to Middleton Lane which also forms the boundary of the Middleton One Row Conservation Area. Specialist highways advice would help to understand access options including via the acquisition of the end bungalow on St Annes Gardens adjacent to the northern limit of the site. From an inspection of aerial images and OS information it is possible that only that area of the site forming an rectangular field is capable of development. The site lies within the defined area of the emerging Middleton St. George Neighbourhood Plan.
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Land at White House, Middleton St George
Northernmost field within a wider title area, located at the south-eastern limits of the settlement. Possibility that highways access may necessitate the acquisition of adjacent bungalow/s on Hill Rise, and that coupled with the site size, this may render the site marginal. The site lies within the defined area of the emerging Middleton St. George Neighbourhood Plan.
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West of Middleton Road, Sadberge
Two adjacent parcels, the northernmost part of the combined area of lying within the Conservation Area. The southern extent of potential development may be limited by traffic noise arising from the adjacent A66 which is elevated in this section. Note that the recent housing approval to the immediate east of the site may assist the case for development given that it too was partially contained within the Conservation Area and that it will impact upon its setting in this area. It is noted that no Conservation Area Character Appraisal presently exists. The site lies within the defined area of the emerging Sadberge Neighbourhood Plan.
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South of Church View, Bishopton
Open area lying between the western edge of the village (and Conservation Area) and the Grange Farm Livery and Riding Centre.The subject site forms part of a wider site of over 10 acres which was categorised as not suitable in the HELAA, on the basis that the site area was "oversized for village character". It is possible that a more modest scheme would overcome this concern, however the HELAA assessment also identifies technical constraints relating to water and sewerage capacity and these would clearly need to be understood in due course. Note that an inspection of planning history in the settlement reveals that no sizeable residential applications have been submitted, and that SIte 087 is the only HELAA site identified in the settlement.
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TS21 1HB
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South of Bridge Road
Northernmost area of wider title DU289562, configured so as to appear as infill along the Bridge Road frontage but at the same time achieve the 4 acre client target threshold. A more extensive development area may be possible via the inclusion of title DU315920. However, it is evident that the adjacent Foster Hall (formerly High Linhams) has been the subject of significant investment and hence it is possible that its owners may be opposed to development in its vicinity. Note that Foster Hall is not listed.
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Building yard, John Street
Builders merchants yard occupying the site of a former gas works. Adjacent to the northern boundary of the site is a smaller plot owned by Northern Gas Networks Limited to which access may need to be retained through the subject site. At the northern end of that site is Skerne Railway bridge which is a Scheduled Monument and also the eastern perimeter of the Northgate Conservation Area. The Environment Agency Flood Map for Planning shows Flood Zone 3 areas skirting the site's western limits and a small area within Flood Zone 2 in the south-western corner of the site. The supporting text to emerging Policy TC6 explains that the Town Centre Fringe is a priority location for brownfield development and regeneration.
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Burtree Lane, Darlington
Rectangular parcel including a dwelling and other buildings fronting Burtree Lane and forming the easternmost part of HELAA site 109, the remainder being the subject of an undetermined November 2019 Bellway Homes outline application for up to 150 units. Land to the immediate west benefits from a February 2020 outline approval for 370 units by Persimmon Homes, Taylor Wimpey and Northumbrian Land, with the masterplan indicating a potential future access into the subject site. Although there does not appear to be a public footpath along Burtree Lane, its absence does not seem to have been viewed as insurmountable by Bellway Homes. Note that within the southern area of the site is a residential dwelling, Philbren Cottage which appears to be in the same family ownership, but is excluded from the adjacent site area calculation.